Welcome to `dummypdf`'s documentation! ====================================== This tool can produce dummy PDF files. They can be used to test software manipulating such PDF files. The produced files contain: - a big page number; - a rectangle around the page, and a cross across the whole page. The color, page format and number of pages can be configured. Examples: - One page A4 paper: :download:`example1 ` - Six pages, a third of an A4 paper: :download:`example2 ` - A pdf with different page formats: :download:`different.pdf ` Download and install -------------------- See the `project main page `__, and `changelog `_. Usage ----- Here are the command line options for `dummypdf`. .. argparse:: :module: dummypdf.__main__ :func: commandline_parser :prog: dummypdf Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`